Despite bifurcation of Wakf Board funds not distributed: Crisis in Wakf Board

Hyderabad: A.P. Wakf Board was bifurcated two months back but the funds have not been distributed yet. It is causing financial crisis for A.P. Wakf Board.


Commissioner of Minorities Welfare, A.P. Mr. Shaik Mohammed Iqbal, IPS wrote a letter to Govt. of Telangana and requested to release the funds utilized in Telangana area for the development of Wakf proterties. He has demanded to release 75 crore which includes the amount of Rs. 24 crore pertaining to Dargah Hazrath Ishaq Madani of Vishakhapatnam which was utilized for the construction of Hajj House and the adjacent complex at Nampally, Hyderabad. Wakf Board has the fix deposit of Rs. 40 crore which would be distributed as per the guidelines of A.P. Reorganization Act. Govt. of A.P. will get 55% whereas the share of Telangana would be 45%. The other amounts have to distributed yet. A.P. Govt. officials say that Govt. of Telangana owes Rs. 30-40 crore but the officials are delaying it.


A.P. Wakf Board is facing financial difficulties for disbursement of salaries and for other expenses. If funds are given to A.P., many Wakf properties could be developed.


Mr. Shaik Mohammed Iqbal has prepared a plan of development for Rs. 400 crore. Legal proceedings have started against the illegal occupants of Wakf properties. It is reported that many such illegal occupants belong to ruling TDP, despite this Mr. Iqbal has taken a bold step to take action against them.


Mr. Syed Omer Jaleel, IAS, Secretary, Dept. of Minorities Welfare, Govt. of Telangana issued instructions to the Wakf Board officials to work out the details of the distribution of Wakf fund and fixed deposits and release the amount to A.P. Wakf Board as early as possible.


Mr. Jaleel further informed that Govt. of Telangana has no objection to release the share of A.P. Wakf Board. Within a week or two this issue would be sorted out and the amount would be distributed. Both the Wakf Boards have claimed the ownership of the complex adjacent to Hajj House which is under construction. Very soon a decision would be taken in a high level officials’ meeting.



–Siasat News