Lupin launches five brands in US with introduction of Methergine

New Delhi : Pharmaceutical company Lupin Ltd. is bolstering its US branded drugs portfolio with the introduction of Methergine, an oral tablet used to treat postpartum haemorrhage, in the US market.

With the US being Lupin’s largest market, the company earned USD 2.06 billion revenue in fiscal year 2015, which garnered 45 percent to the company’s annual business.

The company said it has put significant investment in professional education in promoting the drug, which it hoped can be used to handle the rising incidences of maternal deaths that are caused by excessive bleeding.

Lupin ventured into branded specialty products much ahead of its Indian peers with its antibiotic Suprax after securing exclusive rights for the US.

Lupin markets five brands in the US with an aim to strengthen its branded and specialty portfolio through alliances as well as developing its own pipeline and making strategic brand acquisitions. (ANI)