We are told in Quran,

“O you who believe, eat of the good things which we have provided to you, and thank Allah if indeed it is He whom you worship.”
(Surah 5, ayat 4).

We are also told not to commit any excess in eating and leave one-third of the stomach empty. With the stomach being a blender and grinder, it would not work to mix the food when it is full to the neck. Among the foods, fruits are especially emphasized in Quran (Surah 36, ayat 57; 43:73, 16:67 and 50:68).

Among the fruits that were mentioned were the ones which were known in Arabia at that time, including grapes, pomegranates, figs, olives and dates. Fruits are low in calories, high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Sugar in fruit is fructose, not sucrose, and fructose has been shown to cause no rise in blood sugar and sometimes even lowers the high blood sugar of diabetes. Honey is from fructose. We are told in Quran,

“There comes from their bellies a drink of diverse color, in which there is a healing for mankind.” (Surah 16, ayat 69).

Therefore, in honey, there is a cure. Recent studies have confirmed that honey has antibiotic properties comparable to Gentamicin, a very strong antibiotic.


Prophet Mohammed (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) led a very active life, advising Muslims to teach their children physical exercise including swimming, archery, horseback riding, etc. He used to walk at a fast pace and helped his wife with the housework and even raced with her. It is the lack of routine physical activity or exercise with abundant food that we have, which has caused our present-day obesity and coronary artery disease. Unfortunately, Muslims of today especially women do not engage in regular exercise.

What should we do when we are affected with disease?

Muslims should accept their disease with patience as a test and pray to Allah for recovery. Quran says,

“If Allah touches you with affliction, no one can remove it but Him. If He touches you with happiness, He has power over all things.”
(Surah 6, Ayat 17).

Prophet Abraham (Alaihis Salaam) said,

“When I am ill, it is He who cures me.”
(Surah 26, Ayat 18).

In one of the hadith, Prophet Mohammed (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) has said that:

“No Muslim is afflicted by injury or illness without Allah causing his sins to drop away just as a tree sheds its leaves”

Illness brings us closer to Allah.

The question is, should we seek medical help if cure is from Allah? The Prophet, SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, when he was asked this question, replied,

“Yes, take medicine as Allah has not created a disease without creating a cure, except for one, that is old age.”

This implies that we Muslim physicians should seek the cure for disease, and Muslim patients should use it. During the illness, in addition to resting, taking medicine and appropriate nutrition, we must increase remembrance of Allah. As Allah says in Quran,

“Those who have believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find satisfaction.”
(Surah 13, Ayat 28).

It is now known that psychological peace and tranquility lower the level of the ACTH hormone which in fact affects the T-lymphocytes and cell-mediated autoimmunity. Thus once the immune system becomes more effective under psychological peace and tranquility, giving the body a chance to fight the disease. On the other hand, those who are at the peak of their anxiety with stress have very high levels of ACTH and suppress their own immune system as a result.

In conclusion, establishing Islam not only means establishing mosques, Islamic centers and schools, but also establishing Muslims economically, politically as well as physically. Tibbe Nabvi is not just honey and black seed, but also understanding the working of the body and knowing what is good and what is not good for this machine. To know the value of exercise and stress management, and preventive checkup of this machine, not waiting for it to completely break down, and taking it to the emergency room. It also means to accept the doctor’s advice and take medicine in the tradition of Prophet Mohammed (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam)