All set for Constables, Firemen recruitment tests on April 24

The Preliminary Written Test for the recruitment of SCT Police Constables (Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP) in Police dept., Constables (Men) in SPF and Firemen in TS Disaster Response & Fire Services dept., is scheduled to be held on April 24 (Sunday) from 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM.

There are 5,36,046 candidates appearing for the PWT test in 1131 test centres throughout the State.

Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board (TSLPRB) Chairman Dr. J. Purnachandra Rao has directed the candidates to reach the test centre one hour before. They will be permitted into the examination hall at 1.30 PM and their biometrics will be taken immediately. The candidates will not be allowed if they are late even by a minute.

The candidates should bring to the test centre only Black/Blue Ball point pen, Hall Ticket, Filled in online application form and one of the original photo identity proof like Passport, Pan Card, Voter Id, Aadhaar-UID, Driving license etc., They should not bring to the test centre any electronic or any other gadgets like Mobile/Cellular phone, Tablets, Pen drives, Bluetooth devices, Watch, Calculator, Log tables, Wallet, Purse, Notes, Charts, loose sheets or recording instruments strapped on the body or in the pockets.

The candidates have been advised to visit test centre a day before the date of examination. They can search by using pin code which will give correct address. They can also search Google maps to get correct address. All these test centres are well known and when searched on and Google maps they can easily locate the address.

The Candidates can use findme@ app providing the location of the test centre using Google location services to locate their allotted test centre and reach there on time. (INN)