Mumbai: India’s biggest and most controversial reality show Bigg Boss is going to be back with its 16th installment (Bigg Boss 16) and fans cannot keep calm. As usual, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is going to take the host duties head-on. The show is currently in the pre-production stage and the makers are scouting for contestants. Amid all, several celebrities’ names are popping up on the rumored contestant’s list.
We have been giving you all the inside details of Bigg Boss and in this write-up, we are going to reveal yet another development that has taken place.
Kanika Mann to enter Bigg Boss 16?
According to a report in TellyFusion, television actress Kanika Mann, who has won millions of hearts with her stint in Khatron Ke Khiladi 12, is now a confirmed contestant of Bigg Boss 16. Apparently, makers have approached her and Kanika has given a nod.
This news comes after the recent report that another KKK 12 contestant Faisal Shaikh is going to join the coveted Bigg Boss house.
Premiere Date, Theme
Speaking more about the upcoming season of Bigg Boss, buzz is that the show will premiere on October 1. Show is under pre-production stage and makers are currently interviewing the contestants. BB 16 is likely to have ‘aqua’ theme, however there is no official confirmation about it.
Stay tuned to for more details and updates on Bigg Boss 16.