There is only ONE way to achieve the unity of Muslim Ummah and that way is the way of Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam). This way was used by the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (RadiyAllahu Anhuma) and the Muslim scholars during the 13 centuries of Muslim rule of this world. One may say that everyone follows Qur’an but we are still disunited. That’s true. The dispute is not in the Qur’an. The dispute lies with those scholars and their followers who interpret Qur’an based upon their own sectarian beliefs and ignore consensus of Islamic scholars (IJMA’). Muslims must return to the consensus of Islamic scholars which did exist from the period of SAHABAH (Companions of Allah’s Messenger) till the fall of Khilafat-e-Islamiyah just one century ago. Muslims must think as one nation and must overcome the linguistic, geographical, regional and ethnic differences. The agents of colonial empires have seeded the linguistic and regional nationalism among Muslims. Muslims must leave linguistic and regional nationalism behind and become one body. If any part of the body feels pain the entire body should feel it and find the cure for it.



★ Whenever we discuss a disputed matter we must be civilized, open minded and kind to other Muslims.

★ Whenever we discuss a disputed matter we should acquire in-depth knowledge of both side’s point of view.

★ We should be positive and respectful towards other Muslims regardless of difference in opinions.

★ We must be preaching and spreading Islam not our own sectarian beliefs.

★ If a dispute arises on the interpretation of a ayat in Qur’an OR Hadith OR about a certain action we must follow the consensus of the scholars of Islam. If we find that the scholars are split on the issue then one can follow who ever he / she likes to follow but must not consider the others as wrong.

★ Friday’s Sermons of our Imams should be on the common issues and teachings. The Imams must try to bring Muslims together. They must stay away from the disputed topics.

★ Muslims must love, respect and follow Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) as the companions of the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) did.

★ Muslims must adopt all those ways which increase the love of Allah, His Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and His book, Qur’an.

★ Muslims must be very careful in listening, reading and following of those scholars of Islam who were responsible for the destruction of KHILAFAT-E-ISLAMI during 1800 and later.

★ Muslims must focus on the major issues of Muslim Ummah such as Palestine, Al Quds, Chechnya, Kashmir, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Macedonian, Albania, etc.. rather than wasting time on minor issues.

★ Muslims must focus on education, technology and science, moral and spiritual values, economical and political stability in Muslim countries.


★ Imams in mosques and scholars of Islam must not interpret ayaat of Qur’an from their own opinions and preferences. They must follow the consensus of Islamic scholars about an issue.

★ Imams and scholars should not be condemning Muslims of other sects in their speeches and Friday sermons.

★ Muslims should not be spreading hate for other Muslims who disagree with them as long as both groups follow the interpretation of Qur’an and Hadith as an authentic guidance.

★ Muslims should not follow those Imams and scholars who are disrespectful towards the consensus of scholars of Islam.

★ Muslims should not follow those Imams and scholars who ignore their own innovations in Islam but keep Muslims busy in small disputes.

★ Muslims should not follow those scholars who are very eager to issue Fatwa against Muslims and declare them KAFIR, MUSHRIK, JAHANNAMI, BID’ATEE, etc.

★ Muslims should not follow those self claimed Imams and scholars who spread nothing but hate against those Muslims who do not belong to their sect.

★ Muslims should not follow those Imams and scholars who intentionally fuel minor differences among Muslims.

★ Muslims should not follow those Imams and scholars who divide Muslims rather than uniting them.

The Fight Against Islam Dates Back to the Beginning of the Prophetic Mission of Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).

The Islamic community throughout the world faces challenges, increasing daily and taking various shapes. They can be an economic blockade, an intervention into the ideology of Muslims, and many other problems, which can take very long to discuss.

What is the purpose of this struggle against Islam? It is to take Muslims’ confession from them by weakening the Muslim community, influencing the ideology of Muslims, and separating Muslims from the values of Islam.

The question is how to resist the struggle? How can Muslims stand up against the world’s aggression, which takes different forms? What should we do in this situation?

There is only one way out for Muslims – to regain their former unity. Only when Muslims unite and become a united group, they will manage to stand up to anyone and anything. All Muslims must unite, with no exception, from the rulers up to each member of the Muslim communities that live on Earth. After all, Muslims today are one third of the total population of the globe. This is a huge number!

If Muslims do not unite, no other methods, offered by some scholars or Islamic movements, will help to resist the world aggression.

Unity can only be achieved if Muslims get away from unnecessary disputes among themselves, stop fueling a feud within the community, when Muslims will listen to Allah’s Ayah in the Qur’an, where He says:

“And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart.”

Muslims might ask: “How can we regain the unity?” The path to it is in our hearts. It is those feelings that every one of us should have in his heart. It is the feeling that draws us to each other. It is not the shallow nice words, or the good gestures, we use for each other.

First of all, it is the inner feeling, which does not need to be proved by outward actions, the feeling that binds us together. Unless we have this feeling in our hearts, no appeals and no attempts will help! The feeling that binds us to Allah must draw us together and to the brothers in the faith. We need to seek this feeling and strengthen it in our hearts. Otherwise, the unification of Muslims is unfeasible. This feeling must live in the heart of every Mu’min – it comes from Allah, it is a gift from the Almighty.

This immediately breeds a question – how to seek it, how to bring it back into the hearts of Muslims? The key to this feeling is the “Remembrance of Allah”, ZIKR! If we resort to it, from the rulers to a common Muslim, we will not have to hold round-table meetings, various conferences, etc. All the problems of the Muslims will disappear, if they make Remembrance of Allah. Only in the Remembrance of the Almighty a Muslim gets everything he needs.

The heart is the source of all our deeds. If the heart of a Muslim is empty, no good deeds will help. On this occasion, the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said in a Hadith:

“Do you want me to tell you, what is the most precious worship of Allah, more precious, than giving away gold and silver on your path to the Almighty, or meeting an enemy you will kill, or will be killed by?”

The Companions asked:
“Oh Messenger of Allah, say what it is!”

And the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:

“Making Remembrance of Allah (ZIKR).”

Some Muslims are surprised and say, how can Remembrance of Allah be better, than giving away gold and silver, how can Remembrance of the Almighty be better, than the wars in His way? Yes, it can! For making Remembrance of Allah by true way is the most important requirement of the Almighty. It is the essence of Islam.

If a Muslim thinks about anything, except Allah, what good might be in his soul and his heart? And if he mentions the Almighty as often as possible, wherever he is and whatever he does, his heart is pure. It radiates love, that creates brotherhood among Muslims. Without all this, the Muslim unity is not even worth talking about! What is the use being proud of the palace, if we do not have… the key to this palace? The key to our unity is Remembrance of Allah.

When Muslims make Remembrance of the Almighty, they get a feeling, that generates the bond of love and brotherhood among all brothers in faith. And it happens on its own. They begin to feel their brother’s pain in the distance. If they hear, that their brother in faith is ill, they immediately respond and come to help him. This becomes a pattern, when we Remember Allah.

But, unfortunately – and this concerns the whole Ummah! – this solution is still neglected. Everybody comes up with different solutions. One suggests organizing a party, another one – conferences, the third publishes books, where he is trying to prove something, and all that is done to unite the Muslims. Whereas the tool to our unity is in our hands. It is mentioning the Almighty. If we think from morning till night about everything except Allah, of course, our hearts will be filled with vice.

And just when the Muslims forgot about mentioning the Almighty, the whole Ummah was attacked by the ‘predators’. Just as a predator attacks the prey, they attacked Muslims all over the world. The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said in a Hadith about it: “They bore down upon Muhammad’s Ummah (SAWS) like wild beasts upon their prey!” It is exactly so. And it is nobody’s, but our fault.

The struggle against Islam is a historical phenomenon. It dates back to the time when the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) announced his prophecy.

Thus the Almighty wants, this is how Allah tests each of us. And therefore, our salvation lies in Remembrance of the Almighty.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in a Hadith al-Qudsi tells us the words of Allah as He talks to His slaves:

“I am as My slave thinks of Me.”

So if a slave thinks the Almighty is merciful, he will find His mercy, and if he is disappointed and imagines Him angry, he will find Allah in anger. Further, the Hadith says:

“I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me a hand’s span, I draw near to him an arm’s length; And if he draws near to Me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.”

This is how Allah addresses the slaves who spend time making mention of Him.

Oh Allah, give us the strength to mention You – and then we will have no time to fall apart! Moreover, there will be no one to tear us apart.