Hyderabad: The Human Rights Forum (HRF) is set to organise the thirteenth commemorative meeting of noted human rights activist Kandalla Balagopal on Sunday. The meeting is scheduled to be held from 10 am to 5 pm at Vignana Kendram.
Arundhati Roy, a renowned Indian author will be delivering her opening speech on ‘This Fascist Movement.’ National Secretary of All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU), Clifton Rozario, will speak on ‘Fascist Assault on the Working Class’.
Senior Advocate Mihir Desai of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) will speak on ‘Judiciary in the time of Hindutva,’ and Human Rights Foundation (HRF) vice president Jaha Aara will speak on ‘Living in a Hindutva State‘.
Kandalla Balagopal was a founder-member of the Human Rights Forum (HRF) and served as its general secretary for four years (2005 to 2009). He entered this profession in 1996 and since then he has defended cases involving Adivasis, Dalits, women and labour, creating spaces for those who could not otherwise access justice in the court all by themselves. He later expired in 2009 on 8 October.