Indian Americans forum’s virtual meeting on ‘Suppression of Democratic Dissent’

Indian Americans forum conducted a global virtual meeting on the topic of “Suppression of Democratic Dissent”.

Guest speaker leading Supreme Court Advocate Sanjay Hegde was the keynote speaker. Addressing the meeting he said, unfortunately, dissent is now becoming actionable instead of being protected. The arrest of activist Teesta Setalvad on the recent judgement of the Gujarat riots needs to be clarified by the Supreme Court of India, he emphasized the need for equal justice deliverance and proceedings of law to every citizen, expressing concern of slow progression of the case against Nupur Sharma and in contrast fast expediting of whistleblower and fact checker Mr Zubair. He hoped that in the coming days with outcry things will change and commended Indian Americans forum for an outstanding public opinion program. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Rajiv Tyagi former Indian Airforce pilot expressed concerns of the nexus between politicians’ political parties and police as an institution and urged upon to delink this nexus and urge every institution to follow rule of law.

Panelist Sajaya Kakarla expressed concerns of ground level feelings of communalism, religious extremism widely spreading in nook and corner of India and blatant discrimination towards minorities. Roy Manthena Dalit activist expressed concern of the phenomenon of arresting voices of sanity, truth, and activism and appealed to immediately release all incarcerated activist, Dr Rehan

Khan ISPJ Washington expressed hope that India will rise again and defeat communal forces. Sajee Gopal demanded the release of all activists and poet Varavara Rao and others who are languishing in jails. Dr Jameel founder and Chairman Indian Americans forum in conclusion urged the judiciary to see the role of anyone in the Gujarat Riots which happened and bring to light the responsibilities under the law and book them alongside as well and urged the courts to take Suo moto and see why law enforcement agencies are biased in dealing with Nupur Sharma who insulted the prophet of Islam and religion of Islam. Dr. Jameel in conclusion appeal to the institutions to follow rule of law and abide by their constitutional role and protect India and lead it towards peace and appeal Prime Minister to not tolerate any flare up of communal tensions and bring back the past glory of India and let it stand tall amongst nations of world by sticking to the preamble of Constitution.

Members from the Indian Americans forum Phani Reddy Baddam, Rama krishna Jalla, Dipendu chawdhury, Farah Laman, Ans Ahmed, Mohammed Faheem, Sabir Hussain, Mohamed Basha and others attended the program.

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