Indonesian currency carries Lord Ganesha photo

The official religion of Indonesia is Islam. About 90 percent of the people in the country are Muslims and 3 percent Hindus and the remaining follow Buddhism and other faiths. Before Islam came to Indonesia, thousands of years ago, Hinduism was a very popular religion and there are several ancient temples located all around the country.

Reports suggested that natives of the country are well versed with Ramayana and Mahabharata. There is a statue of Krishna-Arjuna on the chariot – an extract from Gita, located at Jakarta Square. The logo of the official airline of Indonesia is Garuda, Hindu god of wind.

It is believed that Hinduism was followed in the country as far back as the 1st century. The 20,000 Rupiah currency consists of a picture of Lord Ganesha, revered by Hindus as the god of wisdom, art and science. The currency also has the picture of Ki Hajar Dewantara, a freedom activist and a renowned propagator of education for Indonesian children; the back of the currency has children in a classroom.