ISRO recruitment: Applications invited for three posts

  1. Candidates, those who registered for pursuing studies leading to the award of AMIE from Institution of Engineers (India) after 31.05.2013 will not be considered for recruitment.
  2. Post Nos.35 and 36 shall be filled either at the level of Medical officer ‘SC’ or Medical officer ‘SD’ depending on the suitability of the Candidates.
  3. Government strives to have a workforce which relects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.

Pay and Allowances and Age limit:

Name of Post Level in Pay Matrix Approximate gross emoluments at the minimum of the pay level as on dateAge limit (as on 17.01.2020)
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ Level 10 (Rs 56,100-Rs 1,77,500)Rs.65,637/-PM18-35 years
Medical officer ‘SC’ Level 10 (Rs 56,100-Rs 1,77,500) Rs.65,637/-PM + Admissible Allowances 18-35 years
Medical officer ‘SD’Level 11 (Rs.67,700-Rs.2,08,700)Rs. 79,209/PM + Admissible Allowances No upper age limit.

Medical Officers are eligible for Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA)-20% of Basic Pay.

How to Apply:

Interested and eligible candidates may visit our website (Or) for the detailed Advertisement. Applications will be received through on-line only. The site will remain open from 28.12.2019 (1000 Hours) to 17.01.2020 (1700 Hours) for registering the application