Kolar: In yet another incident of hate crime in Karnataka, a Muslim man and his family were attacked by Hindu Youth on Saturday while returning from the Usman Shah Dargah.
The incident occurred at the Ter Halli village of Kolar district. People who intervened to save the family were also beaten by the miscreants.
Shaad Bajpe, a Karnataka-based human rights activist put out a tweet highlighting the incident.
“Incident happened in Kolar when local Muslim leader with his family was returning from Usman Shah Darga, have been attacked near Terr Halli by Hindu Youths. People who came to rescue of the family have also been brutally attacked. Culprits are yet to be arrested. @HateSpeechBeda ” read the tweet.
Karnataka has witnessed a rise in hate crimes in the past few months. A similar incident was reported from the Belgavi district in September 2021. A Muslim boy named Arbaz was murdered allegedly for being in a relationship with a Hindu girl. On September 28, Arbaz Aftab was murdered by contract killers hired by his lover’s family for a sum of Rs 5 lakh. According to police sources, at least a sum of Rs 5 lakh has been paid by the parents of the girl for the murder but police statements indicate that the amount may have been more than the estimated.
According to the police, the woman’s family opposed the relationship and approached Maharaja Nagappa alias Pundalik Mutgekar, a member of the Sri Ram Sena Hindustan, an offshoot of the Sri Ram Sene, to kill him.