Karnataka Tourism Minister tests positive for COVID-19

Bengaluru: Karnataka Minister for Tourism, Kannada and Culture C T Ravi has tested positive for coronavirus.

His wife and daughter have however, tested negative for the virus.

“Yesterday, I along with my wife Pallavi & my staff members underwent COVID19 test. Fortunately, my wife Pallavi and all my staff members are tested negative. Third umpire’s result for me has confirmed that I’m Covid Positive,” Ravi tweeted on Monday.

He went into home quarantine on July 11 after he came in contact with a coronavirus infected person.

Earlier, his two separate tests had given two different reports including negative. The minister had to wait for a final report, which arrived on Monday confirming that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

He said he was feeling “absolutely fine”.

Ravi said he would continue to work and undergo treatment.

“Very soon, I’ll get cured and come back to work with you all,” the Minister said in another tweet.

Another Karnataka Minister B C Patil too went into self-quarantine after one of his relatives in Bengaluru in his minister’s quarters was found infected by the virus.