New Delhi: A day after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused Bharatiya Janata Party of showing black flags to her amid the chants of “Jai Sri Ram” in Varanasi, Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Thursday gave her a befitting reply and asked, “Is she the same Mamata Banerjee who used to call BJP leader goons”.
He also accused Banerjee of supporting Rohingya Muslims, and terrorists.
Speaking to ANI, Singh said, “Why the people of Uttar Pradesh will not be angry with her? She always supports Rohingya Muslims and terrorists and still claims that there is no one who can throw out the Rohingyas from the country.”
“They killed the democracy, even Mamata Banerjee herself is the killer of democracy. Jai Shri Ram’s chatting irritates her,” he added.
Banerjee was shown black flags amid chants of “Jai Sri Ram” in Varanasi on Wednesday when she was on her way to take part in ‘Ganga Aarti.’
Reacting over the situation, the chief minister, earlier in the day, sat on the stairs of the Dashashwamedh Ghat to watch ‘Ganga Aarti’ in an apparent protest against the showing of the black flag to her. Even while the organizers requested her to sit on a chair, Banerjee continued to sit on the stairs.
“I am not scared. I am not a coward. I am a fighter. I faced thrashings and bullets several times in my life. But I never bowed down. The BJP workers yesterday stopped my car while on my way to Ghat from the airport. They hit my car with sticks and asked me to go back. But I have realized that the BJP’s loss is imminent in UP,” Banerjee added.