Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan aka King Khan is all over the headlines for his much-awaited upcoming Bollywood movie ‘Pathaan’. While fans are super excited for SRK’s return on screen after 4 long years, the movie is also facing heat over its ‘Besharam Rang’ controversy. Amid the boycott calls, the actor recently held an #AskSRK session on Twitter where he interacted with his fans and admirers.
Among all his replies, one tweet that caught everybody’s attention is about SRK’s health and it has left the fans worried. During the session, the actor revealed that he is down with an infection and is on special diet for recovery. “Little unwell with infection so nowadays only daal chawal,” he replied to one of the fans question. Soon after this, his fans started wishing him good health and a quick recovery.
One fan wrote in the comment section, “@iamsrk so many things going on…events, shoot schedules, and so much. Please take care of yourself and your meals and make sure you take proper rest. get well soon you’re the strongest Pathaan.” Another wrote, “Infection please take proper care may Allah protect you always.”
Speaking about Pathaan, the movie is directed by Siddharth Anand and has Deepika Padukone in the female lead role. It is slated to hit the screens on January 25, 2023. Apart from this, SRK also has Jawaan and Dunki.