Another Islamic principle basing the life upon which guarantees success in this world as well as in the world hereafter is the striving for goodness. Being a Muslim it is the primary duty to be good and strive for spreading goodness. When there is goodness all around, the ultimate result is success for all. Allah Almighty says in Quran about this in the following manner:

Strive For Good

“But We shall be sure to guide to Our ways those who strive hard for Our cause: God is with those who do good.” (29:69)

Therefore, if one wishes to walk in the way of good and receive guidance from Allah Almighty then it is imperative to strive and that too in the way of goodness for greater guidance and consequent reward.


The other important Islamic principle that can help in achieving success in life is consultation with others. It is one of the most important aspect of decision making which people ignore primarily because of their arrogance and the impression that they know all. When a person consults with others regarding any matter, chances are that a person gets to listen or see some new perspective which initially would not have been clear to the person, hence reaching a better decision guaranteeing success. Allah Almighty says in Quran:

“And consult them in the matter.” (3:159)

Therefore, regardless of if you have all the knowledge that is required to reach a decision, the wise ploy that guarantees success is consulting with others.


One of the major problems of the present world is that people are striving to make their life easier on the cost of making it difficult for the others. This approach is wrong and Islam gives the principle of making the life of others easy to achieve success. In Quran, Allah says:

“Seek the life to come by means of what God has granted you, but do not neglect your rightful share in this world. Do good to others as God has done good to you.” (28:77)

Therefore, one must try to do good to others and make their life easier, as the reward of it comes from Allah Almighty and is equivalent reward to the deed if not greater. Regarding the reward of good deeds, Allah says in Quran:

“Is the reward for excellence (ihsan) [anything] but excellence (ihsan).” (10:26)

Thus, when doing good with others a Muslim must remember that the reward of it comes from Allah Almighty and that reward is the only success that a person should desire.


This world is full of all kinds of temptations, these temptations if not properly dealt with result in a person going down the path of ignorance without even realizing it. Therefore, in order to do so a Muslim needs to differentiate between right and wrong and stand for the right and forbid the wrong in order to achieve success in the true sense. Allah says in Quran:

“[Believers], you are the best community singled out for people: you order what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in God.” (3:110)

Thus, to achieve success on Islamic principles, a believer needs to refrain from bad and commit to doing good no matter whatever the circumstances are.


In a nutshell, Islam is the complete code of life. If a Muslim wishes to achieve success in this world and in the world hereafter, then the best solution available for such a person is to incorporate the principles of Islam in life and climb up the ladder of success.