McDonald Fellowships 2018


McDonald Fellowships 2018 invites applications from postgraduate students involved in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS).

The fellowship aims to help the young researchers of emerging countries to work in a research institution situated outside of their own country.

Scholarship value:

Deserving candidates will get a two-year grant of around GBP 30,000 per year to cover the travel and living cost.

An additional amount of GBP 2,000 will also be awarded to the host institution.


The applicant must be a postgraduate in an area relevant to multiple sclerosis (MS).

The applicant should be under the age of 35 at the time of application.

Also, the applicant must fulfill one of the following conditions:

He/She should be studying or working in an emerging country at the time of nomination.

He/She must be studying or working in another country on a project that began within the six months before the nomination.

He/She must be studying in another country on a project supported by MS International Federation grant.

Application instructions:

Step 1: Enter your details at the bottom of this webpage to download the application form.

Step 2: Now, select a suitable research institution outside India.

Step 3: Identify a suitable project and host supervisor to carry out the research at the host institution.

Step 4: Fill in the required details in the application form jointly with the host institution.

Step 5: Once the application is completed, send it via email to