‘What is the secret of your religiousness?’, explains Al-Hassan Al-Basri

Al-Hasan ibn Abi’l Hasan al-Basri was one of the most renowned tabi`een (the generation after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and prominent figures of his time.

Al-Basri, a peerless scholar with vast knowledge was once asked, ‘What is the secret behind your piety and asceticism?’

He replied, 4 things:

1. I know that no one else can take my rizq, so my heart is content.
2. I know that no one will perform good deeds or actions (Prayers) on my behalf, so I started doing or performing them myself.
3. I know that Allah always sees or watching me, so I feel embarrassed or ashamed to sin in front of Him.
4. I know death awaits me, so I am preparing to meet my Allah (SWT).

Al-Hasan Al-Basri, a pious and devout person was a jurist, scholar and a brilliant orator.

He draws people’s attention towards the religious and moral defects they have made and how they overcome them.

He reminds people of death, about the life after death according to what he had learnt from the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, and the revered companions, may Allah (SWT) be pleased with them.