PM Modi pats Sergeant Parvez for rescuing Indians from Wuhan

New Delhi: At a time when scores of Indians were stranded in coronavirus epicenter Wuhan, and India decided to send a rescue team to bring them to the country, Sergeant Parvez a Muslim was one among few who readily accepted the challenge.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Sergeant Parvez. During his telephonic talk prime minister patted Sergeant Parvez for joining the team to rescue his countrymen from Wuhan at the time of crisis.

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When Narendra Modi wished to know his experience, Sergeant Parvez revealed that he is a medical assistant in Air force station Ghaziabad. He said when the mission was assigned to his hospital and he was asked if he wanted to join rescue operation, it was a proud moment for him that he could help his countrymen at the time of crisis. He agreed without hesitation to rescue his brothers and sisters who are stranded there. He went there with his team and safely rescued Indians stranded in Wuhan.

Parvez further informed that they were 112 people. As the buses were carrying them they were getting very emotional; some were taking snaps, some were waving hands while some were hugging whom they were leaving behind.

Narendra Modi hailed that the entire family of Parvez dedicated itself for the country. He said, thanks to the karamvirs like you I hope that we can win the war against coronavirus.