Sadhguru’s funniest interview with Arnab Goswami

By Waris

New Delhi: Sadhguru is a motivational speaker, yogi, author and yoga instructor. Arnab Goswami, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of Republic Media Network interviews Sadhguru. Here is a lighter part from the interview.

Sadhguru starts by saying satirically to Arnab Goswami that he is in a certain profession where he asks only questions, but he has to listen what he has to say.

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He continues by saying that our media is picking bit and pieces from developed nations and trying to implant them in our country. He says, it is impractical to debate on the nuances of democracy while fifty percent of the population has not even proper food to eat. If we are talking about equality, he says, it is of no significance whether the person is a man or a woman.

Sadhguru is a motivational speaker, writer and
According to Sadhguru, talking about the French Revolution while having an entirely different situation in our country, is completely impractical. There is no river Seine flowing nor Paris around us, instead, there are slums and stinking Yamuna flowing at our place. Since the circumstances are different, we cannot talk about the same thing as other developed nations. In order to know the reality, one should take a walk in one of the villages then he will find 60% of the population’s skeletal system has not grown to full size says Sadhguru. Our country is producing underdeveloped and substandard human beings while we are talking about having a great nation with fanciful ideas. Sadhguru says that when the problem of hunger and other basic needs is solved, only then can we talk about other advancements.

Arnab Goswami replies saying that he does not agree with Sadhguru that great nations are built out of economic well-being.

Sadhguru counter attacks by saying that fundamental rights like hunger and sustaining oneself is different from economic well-being whether there is a nation or not; both cannot be same.