Skincare tips to keep open pores at bay

Skin problems, large pores issue increases with age. Most people who have oily skin, get large pores near cheeks and nose but it can even appear on dry skin also.

What are pores and why do they appear on face?

Pores are basically small openings that help the skin to breathe anywhere on the body especially face. The issue arises when these pores become bigger in size, making it more prominent on the face.

Smaller pores usually result in smoother-looking skin, flawless makeup application, and an even skin tone, TN reports.

However, large pores can appear for multiple reasons, like skin type, genetics, exposure to the sun, age etc but here’s how you can reduce their appearance by a number of treatments and home remedies.

The promising 5 ways to minimise pores effectively.

1. Get a Chemical Peel done once a week

Yes, a chemical peel is an effective way to reduce pores on the skin with visible results in just a few sittings of this treatment.

But do make sure to speak to your dermatologist about the desired results you wish to achieve.

2. Use Skin Tightening Toner every day

With tons of skin tightening toners available in the market,  go for toners which contain active ingredients which help in minimizing the appearance of pores over time.

3. Add Retinoid Cream to your Skincare Routine

Adding Retinoid creams can help in boosting skin cell turnover, which results in happier pores. You’ll see noticeably smaller-looking pores after using this cream for a few weeks.

4. Use Clay Mask to keep pores at bay

Yes you heard it right. Clay masks are very effective in minimising pores because they can unclog pores by wicking out all the oil.

Pores tend to look five times larger when oil is stuck in them which is why you should use a clay mask to clear out the gunk.

5. Keep your hands away from your face

If you really don’t want to anything worse happening to your face so try not to touch your face, until and unless, you are washing or applying anything, especially when your hand are dirty.

Your pores tend to become larger if you constantly touch your face with dirty hands as the bacteria on your fingers can make their way into your skin pores, resulting in various skin problems.