Talk on “Humanity beyond God: Towards a better understanding of Islam” – Register online

Chennai: Islamic Forum for Moderate Thought invited everyone to a talk on “Humanity beyond God: Towards a better understanding of Islam” by Shaykh Arif Abdul Hussain, Director, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Al-Mahdi Institute Birmingham Co-director of CIMS (Centre for Intra Muslim Studies) who is also the author of “Islam and God-Centricity: Examining the Articles of Faith” and “Islam and God-Centricity: Reassessing Fundamental Theological Assumptions”.

A 45-minute Question and Answer session will follow. Moderated by A. Faizur Rahman, Secretary-General of Islamic Forum for Moderate Thought, Chennai, India.

The YouTube channel of “Islamic Forum for Moderate Thought” is The Moderates.

The talk will be held on 27th December 2020 at 7 p.m.

Interested person can register on Zoom (click here).