Hyderabad: Following chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s announcement of 80,039 vacancies in the state on March 9, the Telangana government on Tuesday announced the first phase of recruitment with 30453 vacancies in various departments.
As a part of the job notifications announced by the CM in the assembly, the government released a notification for vacancies to be filled up in the Police, Health, Medical & Family Welfare (HM&FW), and Transport departments, among others, on Wednesday.
Vacancies in HM&FW Department:
The government announced a total of 12735 vacancies to be filled up through way of direct recruitment under HM&FW department, including 45 assistant professors vacancies at the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS).
Vacancies in Transport Department:
The state announced 212 vacancies to be filled in the Transport department through the way of direct recruitment by the Telangana State Public Service Commission, (TSPSC), 149, and Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board, (TSLPRB), 63.
Vacancies in Home:
The state announced the filling up of 231 vacancies in the department i.e., 229 vacancies under the Director-General of Police, Hyderabad and two vacancies under the Director-General, Telangana Special Protection Force, Secunderabad through direct recruitment.
31 vacancies for Junior Assistants under the Director-General of Prisons and Correctional Services were also announced under TSPSC, in addition to the 154 vacancies to be filled through the TSLPRB.
KCR announces government jobs in Telangana:
KCR had announced the job notification for 80,039 job vacancies in the state on March 9. He has also declared the regularization of 11,103 contract employee jobs in the state, taking the announcement of a total of 91,142 jobs in the state.
“The process of filling up these vacancies will begin immediately,” he had declared in the state Assembly.
The announcement came when the issue of unemployment had become so heated with frequent protests by opposition parties and unemployed youth across the state. The CM blamed state bifurcation issues and court orders as the reason for the stall in issuing the notification.
“The centre should arbitrate these issues but is not doing so. The claims made by the Andhra Pradesh government asking for a share in Nizam inherited properties are bizarre. These issues have made the whole situation quite complex,” he had remarked.