Telangana govt. launches DEET app for jobseekers

Hyderabad: The government of Telangana launched a Digital Employment Exchange of Telangana (DEET) app where one could apply for jobs, receive job alerts, government job alerts, walk-in interview alerts, recruitment drives and more career advice every day.

This imitative was taken to try and curb the unemployment rate in the state.

Workruit & DEET have more than 1,85,000 active vacancies available today. DEET is operated and powered by Workruit (

Job seekers who wish to apply for jobs should download, register and create a profile on DEET application. DEET can be downloaded from Google Play Store at or can sign up on the website at to apply for jobs.

Jobseekers can check for government job alerts & private job alerts in the broadcast section in the DEET application present in the left sidebar. Jobseekers can view walk-in alerts of private jobs and can contact the companies and attend interviews. Phone: 8688519317, Email:, Website:

Phone: 8639217011, Email:, Website: