Mumbai: Urvashi Rautela and controversies are going hand in hand these days. From gate-crashing parties of famous Bollywood celebrities to her relationship with cricketer Rishabh Pant, the actress has made headlines for various reasons. This time the actress is making headlines for falsely stating that she is starring in the Indian actress Parveen Babi’s biopic.
Urvashi recently attended the 2023 Cannes Film Festival and claimed that she was here for the photocall launch of the Parveen Babi biopic, but no other member of the cast and crew was present at the event. Digging into the matter, it is revealed that the actress had been lying about being part of the movie as no production house had signed her for any biopic.
The actress who had previously lied about being a part of Rishabh Shetty’s Kantara 2, posted a video on her Instagram account on 3 June which featured a note which indicated that the production will be directed by Wasim S Khan and written by Dhiraj Mishka. The caption read, “Bollywood Failed #ParveenBabi but I will make you proud #PB ~ UR Om Namah Shivay. Trust the magic of new beginnings.”
Hindustan Times looked further into the matter and concluded that the actress has been lying about the movie all this while. In the report, a source said, “It is very clear that she is lying, and it is bogus news. There is no such project being made. There are no conversations around any such project in the trade circuit too.”
Another source from the industry claimed, “No artiste has the power to announce a project just like that. And something like a biopic on Parveen Babi will only get announced once the production work has begun. And that too usually comes from the director or production house’s end. Urvashi’s claim is only to get some limelight.”
Urvashi who hails from Haridwar, rose to fame after she featured in Honey Singh’s music video “Love Dose”.