Mumbai: Actor Vijay Deverakonda is currently gearing up for the grand release of his upcoming pan-India film ‘Liger’ along with Ananya Panday. The team is busy in promoting the movie across the country and during the Hyderabad event on August 15, Vijay made a shocking revelation about his Bollywood debut. Read on to know more.
Speaking to the media, the Dear Comrade actor revealed that Karan Johar had offered a Hindi film, which was supposed to mark his big Bollywood debut. He also said that KJo was impressed with his Tollywood blockbuster hit Arjun Reddy post which the filmmaker gave the actor an offer to work in his movie. However, Vijay had turned down the offer as he was not ready then.
“After watching Arjun Reddy, @karanjohar offered me to do a Bollywood film. But, back then, I was not ready. Now, we approached him with Liger as it has pan-India appeal. He supported us well in every aspect,” Vijay Deverakonda said.
Meanwhile, speaking more about Liger, the film is written and directed by Puri Jagannadh. It features Vijay Deverakonda as a boxer and Ananya Panday as his love interest. Liger is produced by Dharma Productions and Puri Connects and it also stars Ramya Krishnan, Makarand Deshpande and boxing legend Mike Tyson in other important roles. It is slated to hit the theatres on 25 August 2022.