What is coronavirus and who should wear a mask?

Hyderabad: Dr. Vinay Kumar, a gastroenterologist at Apollo Hospitals, has explained about the coronavirus.

“Virus is a very tiny bacteria which can be seen only through electronic microscopic device,” Dr. Vinay said.

Corona is a new virus which modifies itself, brought in change itself and in its properties. There is no concrete knowledge about this virus.

Dr. P Vinay Kumar

He said, as these viruses change its properties and keep on changing its function. Doctors are researching for the AIDS virus since past 30 years but still unable to find a particular vaccine for AIDS.


Same in the case of COVID-19, still we are unable to find its properties. Once it is discovered, then its vaccine can be prepared.

The only way we can prevent this to take precaution, follow the lockdown, isolate ourselves in home. This is not for oneself, it is for all our elderly people and small kids.

Should we wear mask?

An infected person should mask. It restrict the virus to reach outside when the infected person cough or sneez.

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As far the un-infected person, it is better to avoid wearing mask. When an un-infected person wears a mask, he feels uncomfortable as he is not habituated for it.

When he touch the mask to make it correct, he is touching the surfaces near eyes, nose or mouth. Here it is possible that, this can keep the virus near these areas.

So, it better that the mask can be worn by the healthcare people and an infected person.