Carry licensed weapons for self-defence against mob lynching: Mahmood Paracha

New Delhi: Senior lawyer Mahmood Paracha has appealed to the weaker sections to pick up licensed weapons to defend themselves against the violent mob. He told this while addressing a Press conference at Press Club of India in Delhi. Paracha was refereeing to the recent attacks on ST/SC and Muslims in different parts of India including mob lynching.

As reported by the Millennium Post, Paracha maintained that if the organisations responsible for providing security are failing in their duty it becomes essential for the weaker sections to exercise their right for self-defence and equip themselves with the licenced weapon.

The report quoted the senior Lawyer Supreme Court as saying, “Even if the weaker section needs sell their jewellery and property, they should do it to buy licensed weapon to guard themselves. This should also work as a deterrent to those who think they will target the minority and will get away easily.”

He also informed that training in this regard would be imparted in Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow on July 26 under the guidance of Maulana Kalbe Jawad where minorities would be made aware of the legal provisions to procure an arms license for self defence. Besides, physical training would be imparted in shooting and other combat skills including martial arts by experienced people and organisations for effective use of the weapons.

Idea to form mixed ‘Manav raksha Samitis’ comprising members of all weaker sections to protect innocents from ‘Gau Rakhsa samitis and other similar organisations was also mooted.