Erdogan is a man who can ‘eradicate’ ISIS in Syria: Trump

Washington: Praising Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Donald Trump described the former as a man who can eradicate ISIS in Syria. US President Donald Trump has said Turkey will finish off the Islamic State in Syria.

Trump has tweeted: “President Erdogan of Turkey has very strongly informed me that he will eradicate whatever is left of ISIS in Syria….and he is a man who can do it plus, Turkey is right ‘next door.’ Our troops are coming home!”

Turkey has lauded Trump’s decision on Syria. According to Turkish presidency, Trump and Erdogan spoke by telephone on Sunday and “agreed to ensure coordination between their countries’ military, diplomatic and other officials to avoid a power vacuum which could result following any abuse of the withdrawal and transition phase in Syria.

In his tweet, Trump revealed that he and Mr Erdogan “discussed (Isil), our mutual involvement in Syria, & the slow & highly coordinated pullout of US troops from the area.”