UAE: Two Indian ex-pats win over Rs 15L each in Emirates draw

Abu Dhabi: Two United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Indian ex-patriates won the grand prize of 77,000 Dirham (Rs 15,58,552) each at last Saturday’s Emirates draw.

Indian ex-patriates Prasanna Kumar Pravin and Sudheer Kabeer are among the seven winners after they matched five out of seven digits of the winning sequence at the Emirates draw.

44-year-old Prasanna Kumar Pravin from Kerala is a sales manager at an interior fit-out company. He is also a regular Emirates draw participant. He received the news when the amount was credited to his account.

“I feel like I am on top of the world. My wife is a teacher here in the UAE and is also pursuing her Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) studies. I’ll be using a portion of the money to help her complete her qualification and will also send money back home to my parents,” Pravin told Khaleej Times.

The other winner, 43-year-old, Sudheer Kabeer, works as a driver in UAE. The winning digits were recommended by his friend with whom he plans to share his prize money.

“This win is a big blessing for me. I will now be able to resolve my financial situation, and the rest of the money will be kept aside for my family. I participate every week and when I heard I had won, it was unbelievable,” said the Indian national Sudheer.