Videos of waterspout off Baga beach goes viral

Panaji: A day after a rare and spectacular waterspout emerged off the popular Baga beach in Goa, the state government lifeguard agency on Tuesday issued a public warning against rushing towards the phenomenon in curiosity.

The videos of the waterspout went viral on social media. “As in the case of Baga today, they can move to or from land. To stay safe, move at a 90 degree angle to its movement and do not go closer to explore,” the statement also said.

The incident occurred in North Goa late on Monday and was recorded by lifeguards posted at the site.

“A waterspout is a vertical funnel of high velocity wind and condensed water moving over the sea; there can be two kinds tornadic or fair-weather and they usually last for 5-10 minutes with speeds upto 100kmph,” the statement issued by the lifeguard agency Drisht Marine also said.