
Hyderabad: 12 fall ill after eating Mandi in Sanathnagar; hotel sealed

The GHMC authorities visited the facility and shut it off after sending food samples to the Institute of Preventative Medicine (IPM) for examination.

Hyderabad: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) officials have sealed a restaurant in Sanathnagar after 12 people became unwell after eating Mandi served there.

According to GHMC authorities, 12 people who ate the meal at Hotel Masha Allah were unwell and were brought to the hospital on Thursday. They were released on Friday after therapy, and their health was now stable.

The GHMC authorities visited the facility and shut it off after sending food samples to the Institute of Preventative Medicine (IPM) for examination. Further action against the hotel management will be planned after the sample results come out, GHMC officials said.

This post was last modified on March 24, 2023 9:29 pm

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