Middle East

No Israel normalization if Palestine dispute not solved: US Saudi embassy

"Israel has a lot of potential, normalization can do wonders; trade, cultural exchanges," Fahad Nazer said.

Washington: In light of the United States’ efforts to bring Israel and Saudi Arabia closer, the Saudi Embassy in Washington made it clear that an agreement is only possible after a solution to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is reached.

The spokesman for the Saudi embassy in Washington, Fahad Nazer, said in an interview with Arab News, “Israel has a lot of potential, normalization can do wonders; trade, cultural exchanges, but for that to happen, for the kingdom to take that step, we need that core dispute with the Palestinians to be resolved.”

The US is trying to broker talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia to establish diplomatic relations much like it did between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco in 2020.

However, Saudi Arabia has repeatedly stated that it will make a deal with Israel if a Palestinian state is created in line with the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.

“Saudi Arabia’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been clear and consistent for many years, it was the late King Abdullah who in 2002 introduced the Arab Peace Initiative, the proposal offers Israel normalisation with all members of the Arab states, in return for a just and comprehensive peace with the Palestinians based on a two-state solution,” Nazer told Arab News.

“That offer remains on the table. We hope they go back to the negotiating table, to try and resolve this dispute, which has brought much pain and suffering across the region,” he added.

The spokesperson’s interview with Arab News comes in response to remarks made last week by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, who claimed that efforts to normalise relations between the region and Israel would be of “limited benefits” until the Palestinians were granted their own state.

He told reporters after his meeting with his American counterpart, Anthony Blinken, who was visiting Riyadh, “We believe that normalization with Israel is in the interest of the region and that it will bring great benefits to everyone.”

Israel continues to occupy East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law and blockades the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces and settlers have killed more than 160 Palestinians since the beginning of 2023.

This post was last modified on June 15, 2023 9:49 pm

Sakina Fatima

Sakina Fatima, a digital journalist with Siasat.com, has a master's degree in business administration and is a graduate in mass communication and journalism. Sakina covers topics from the Middle East, with a leaning towards human interest issues.

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