Citizen Journalism
We would like to reach out to each and every single one of you, and let you know about this medium of getting your story out there to all of us.
Its a simple way to get your opinions and share your perspectives about different categories and topics like Local news, Politics, Issues faced by you or your community.
Your details will be listed if you have permitted us to publish them.
We will get in touch and let you know once its reviewed and published.
Send us your Article
Email at
Please leave a subject : “Citizen Journalism Submission”
We will review the article and get in touch.
Terms & Conditions
- I, hereby certify that the submitted content is 100% genuine and is not a copy from any other source.
- If any information is taken from other source has been credited for it in the article.
- And I hereby submit the article and rights to publish to “Siasat Daily” upon their approval.