Easy workout routines to kick start your day on energetic note

Morning time is one of the most ideal for workouts. A good exercise in the early hours keeps the body refreshed and energetic throughout the day. However, the onus of taking out time for a proper workout routine in the middle of busy schedules can be quite overwhelming. Fret not. Here are five easy and quick workout routines you can do to start your morning with good zeal and high spirits.

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A few reps of this simple exercise require you to just jump and stretch your hands from your feet to your head and vice-versa. A few reps of this routine give not just an arm and leg workout but also help exercise the chest and keep our heart rate healthy.

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This exercise is good for working out your spine and keeps your obliques in shape. It’s also a great way to get your posture correct during work.

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A common warmup exercise in gyms, push-ups are a great way to build muscle power and exercise your leg calves. Apart from that, it is a great way to exercise your abdominal region and keep it fit and healthy.

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Raising your legs and bringing your body to a right angle allows building strength in the body’s posture. It is also a great workout to develop some abs.

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Sustaining your body in a position on your elbows and toes in a straight, plank-like posture is a great way to achieve bodily balance. It’s also a viable workout routine for people with lower back pain.

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A few reps of this routine help in building strength in the legs, knees and pelvic region, along with giving a good stretch to the back and belly region of the body.

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