CPM urges KCR to regularise NIMS Contract employees

CPM State secretary said 1350 employees were working on contract basis for the last 25 years

Hyderabad: CPM party on Saturday urged Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao to take steps for the regularisation of services of the contract workers working in NIMS. It asked the CM to amend GO No.306 to regularise them.

In an open letter written to the CM, CPM State secretary Tammineni Veerabhadram said some 1,350 employees were working on contract basis for the last 25 years and added that they were being paid Rs.14,700 per month. He said the employees were getting only Rs. 12,900 after deduction of EPF.

Stating that the State Labour Commissioner issued GO no. 306 on July 4, 2018 for contract workers of hospitals, nursing homes and clinical dispensaries for enhancement of their salaries to Rs. 20,000 per month, he said the State government did not enhance the salaries of the employees of the NIMS.

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He said it was not right to pay the same amount of salary of Rs.14700 to those employees, who put in 25 years of service at the institute and to those who are working for the last four years. He urged the CM to amend the GO and pay Rs. 20,000 per month as salary to the senior employees of the institute.

Reminding the CM about his promise that there would not be any contract employee in Telangana State, he also urged the CM to regularise the salaries of the contract employees.

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