The Kolkata police lodged an FIR after a video surfaced on social media platforms in which protesters at a rally were heard chanting ‘provocative’ slogans such as “Kashmir Mange Azadi” (Kashmir wants freedom).
The rally, held in South Kolkata’s Jadavpur area on Tuesday, was organized to demand justice for a trainee doctor who was brutally gang raped and murdered at the RG Kar Medical Centre and Hospital on August 9. The incident has sparked widespread outrage across India, leading to mass protests advocating for better safety measures in medical environments.
The case has been booked under the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS), including Section 152, which addresses actions threatening India’s sovereignty, and Section 285, which relates to public safety.
Currently, the police is examining CCTV footage of the protest to identify those responsible for chanting the controversial slogans. Additionally, reports indicate that the police may also summon the organizers of the rally for questioning regarding the incident.
Condemning such actions, the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) has claimed that such slogans are against the nation’s unity. TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh stated that citizens can protest but have no right to promote separatism. He said, “Kashmir is an integral part of India. It is ours. It is clear that we have to condemn this separatist approach in the light of the RG Kar issue.”