Hyderabad: Telugu superstar Nani and Mrunal Thakur starrer upcoming movie gets a release date. The yet-untitled movie’s first poster was unveiled on Saturday. The movie is tentatively titled ‘Nani 30’.
Taking to Instagram, Nani shared the poster of the movie. He captioned the post, “And the wait is over … 21 st dec it is ! In the poster, Nani is huggling a little girl, who has a worried expression on her face. Mrunal also shared the poster on her social media feed.
Being helmed by debutant Shouryuv, the movie is touted to be an emotional family drama. The movie went to floors in January, this year.
Speaking about the movie, Mrunal earlier said, “I’m sure elated and excited to be part of this project. It’s a really heartwarming story and the team backing the project is immensely talented. I’m looking forward to working with Nani. It’s an interesting curve, given I did the remake of Jersey last year, a film Nani originally starred in.”
Mrunal has recently been seen in ‘Gumraah’ paired opposite Aditya Roy Kapoor.
On the other hand, Nani starrer ‘Dasara’ was released in the theatres on March 30. Written and directed by Srikanth Odela, ‘Dasara’ takes audiences through the socio-economic condition, political ambition and power struggle of the Singareni collieries.