Hyderabad: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) has recovered lost property worth Rs 1.40 crore and handed it over to passengers as part of its ‘Operation Amanat’.
Debashmita Chattopadhyay Banerjee, the senior divisional security commissioner Secunderabad said the property included laptops, purses, luggage bags, and mobile phones worth Rs 1.40 crore. The total worth of items recovered as compared to those recovered during the same time last year is 3.7 percent more.
During 2022, as many as 1,039 items were retrieved and returned to the owners. The total worth of the property was Rs 2.28 crore.
The official further said the RPF personnel are always at the forefront and keep round-the-clock vigil in safeguarding not only railway property, but also play a vital role in securing luggage of passengers.