Mumbai: The most awaited Bollywood mythological film ‘Adipurush’ has hit the headlines before its release. The film is directed by Om Raut and stars Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Saif Ali Khan in lead roles. It is set to hit the screens next month and some of the netizens and politicians are making it controversial. If you are planning to watch this movie, we will let you know that you have to spend just Rs 100 to watch it.
Yes, it isn’t so cheap. In a unique style to promote the film, the makers of Adipurush are using an interesting tactic to drag audiences. The makers informed in the description box of the trailer that one can purchase Adipurush’s ticket just by spending Rs 100. The description read, “BOOK TICKETS!! Get 2 tickets for the price of 1.” This offer is valid across India including Hyderabad.
Earlier, after the release of the teaser of the movie, the makers of the film were trolled for ‘poor’ VFX. The release date of this mythological film too was changed following backlash but it seems that most of the audiences got impressed by the trailer.
The makers are receiving both positive and negative comments on social media platforms. Adipurush is set to release in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages on the 16th of June this year. It features Prabhas as Raghava, Kriti as Janaki, and Saif as Lankesh.