Mumbai: Following the recent gunfire incident near Salman Khan‘s Mumbai residence, his sister Arpita Khan’s visited Nizamuddin Dargah in New Delhi. A viral video captured Arpita partaking in prayers and rituals at the shrine.
Shared on Instagram by Pallav Paliwal, the video shows Arpita Khan clad in a green Anarkali suit.
The gunfire incident outside Salman Khan’s residence, Galaxy Apartments, on April 14th, prompted heightened security measures. Shortly after the incident, Anmol Bishnoi, brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, claimed responsibility for the gunfire.
Despite the unsettling event, Salman Khan proceeded with his international commitments, flying to Dubai for the launch of his fitness brand equipment, Being Strong, over the weekend.
On the cinematic front, Salman Khan, last seen alongside Katrina Kaif in Tiger 3, gears up for his upcoming project Sikandar, helmed by renowned director AR Murugadoss.