Mumbai: Orhan Awatramani, popularly known as Orry, recently made a guest appearance on Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 17, spending a day in the house. Although initially introduced as a ‘wildcard’ contestant, it was later revealed that Orry wouldn’t be a participant in the show. Despite this, Orry had a blast during his brief stay, as the contestants went out of their way to organize parties, ensuring his time in the house was unforgettable.
A viral Instagram clip captures one such moment where Orry is seen learning the Hyderabadi language from fellow contestant Arun Srikanth Mashettey, who hails from Hyderabad. The video showcases Arun stating a sentence, with Orry enthusiastically repeating it, creating a light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere. Arun says, “Zindagi mein kabhi bhi tensionaa aaye, toh tensiono ku baigan ku bolo.”
Watch the viral video below.
Arun has been consistently adding a Hyderabadi touch to the show and is often seen teaching the language to his fellow housemates as well. Both housemates and viewers are loving the way Arun has been adding this unique element to Bigg Boss 17 since day one. We can’t wait to see more such entertaining moments in the upcoming episodes as the show continues.
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