Hyderabad: In an exciting announcement, it has been revealed that Arun Srikanth Mashetty, a well-known YouTuber from Hyderabad, will be one of the contestants on the upcoming season of Bigg Boss 17. Yes, you read that right!
The highly anticipated show, hosted by Salman Khan, is all set to premiere on Sunday night, October 15, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the grand launch.
Arun Srikanth Mashetty, known for his popular YouTube channel, Achanak Bayanak Gaming, which boasts over 288K subscribers, is set to bring a Hyderabadi flair to the Indian reality show. This marks a significant moment for the city, as it’s the first time a contestant from Hyderabad will be part of the Bigg Boss series.
Fans from Hyderabad are especially thrilled, as Arun Srikanth Mashetty’s participation promises a glimpse of the Hyderabadi culture and language on the national television stage.
The news has generated a buzz of excitement among the audience, and they eagerly anticipate seeing the Hyderabadi element in one of India’s biggest reality shows.
Stay tuned to Siasat.com for more interesting scoops and updates on Bigg Boss 17.