Case registered in Haridwar against makers of Kaali’ documentary

Haridwar: Filmmaker Leena Manimekalai and 10 others in her team have been booked here for allegedly inciting religious feelings, the state police said on Saturday, amid a controversy over a poster of documentary “Kaali” showing the goddess smoking and holding an LGBTQ flag.

Kankhal Police Station in-charge Mukesh Chauhan said a case has been registered on the complaint of Vikram Singh Rathore, the national general secretary (organisation) of Hindu Yuva Vahini.

He said the case has been registered under IPC section 295 (outraging religious feelings) against producer Manimekalai, assistant producer Asha Ponachan and others in the team for inciting religious feelings.

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The poster has led to a social media storm with the hashtag Arrest Leena Manimekalai’, allegations that the filmmaker is hurting religious sentiments and a member of a group going by the name Gau Mahasabha’ saying he has filed a complaint with Delhi Police.

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