Hyderabad: K. Jyothi, who purchased a washing machine for Rs 37,938 in July 2022, has won a case against Reliance Retail Limited and LG Electronics Ltd after the machine malfunctioned multiple times. The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Nalgonda has ordered both companies to pay her ₹20,000 in compensation and replace the defective machine.
In December, Jyothi experienced the first issue when the machine locked itself. After contacting the company, she had it repaired. However, in January, the machine began emitting smoke and quickly caught fire. Fortunately, Jyothi was not injured in the incident.
Following the malfunction, Reliance Retail visited her home, took photographs of the machine, and assured her of a replacement under the warranty. Despite several reminders, Jyothi claimed that the company failed to follow through on its promise.
Reliance Retail argued that it was only the seller and that LG Electronics, as the manufacturer, was responsible for warranty issues. However, the Consumer Protection Act of 2019 holds both the manufacturer and service provider accountable for product defects.
The Commission has given both companies 30 days from August 8 to comply with the order.