From mittens to moisturizers, check out easy ways to keep your hands soft this winter

Cold winters result in a climate that dries out the skin and brings up many skincare concerns. Not only your body needs special attention but your hands too require extra care. As hands, after all, are exposed to the cold and wind and might look dry and chapped by the end of winter. In order to maintain your winter skin glowing and youthful, it’s time to add these steps in your daily routine.

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Wear gloves

The chilly air and icy breezes can cause hands to dry up easily. You can keep them safe by just wearing gloves whenever you step out. safeguard your hands. Keep a few pairs of gloves in your car, near the front door, and so on so that you always have a pair on hand.

Source: Pexels

Apply Moisturizer

Apply moisturizer daily on your hands to moisturize the skin and prevent moisture loss. After bathing, apply moisturizing body lotion immediately, while the skin is still damp, to seal in moisture.

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Source: Pexles

Oil before bathing

It protects your hands from the impact of soap and hot water. Apply moisturizer when your skin is still damp after your bath or shower to help lock in moisture.

Source: Pexels

Apply Sunscreen

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen on your hands. We frequently remember to apply sunscreen to our faces every time we step but we skip applying it to our hands. Look for a hand lotion with SPF so you can moisturize and protect your hands at the same time.

Source: Pexels


Regular exfoliation is important to remove the dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin. Exfoliation, with the use of scrubs, helps to remove dead cells effectively when applied and rubbed gently on the skin. This also helps the skin to absorb other products. There are many ingredients easily available at home that can be used to make a great exfoliator such as oats, green tea, honey and sugar, cinnamon powder and honey, ground almonds and yoghurt.

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