Hyderabad: Tension continued for the fourth straight day at Chengicherla village in Medipally on Wednesday after Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Bandi Sanjay tried to enter the village that witnessed communal skirmishes three days ago on the night of March 24.
Three people were injured in a fight between two communities following an issue that started over playing DJ system outside a mosque during prayer time. Two cases were booked by the Medipally police on Sunday on members of both communities. The following day on March 25, right wing Hindu groups landed nearby in large numbers and tried to reach the place.
The agitators raised slogans and tried to move ahead, but the police, including women cops, were deployed at the village to prevent it from happening.
While the cops brought the situation under control, BJP leaders have continued to keep the issue burning. On Wednesday, Bandi Sanjay attempted to reach the spot where clash took place on Sunday and meet the people.
The police barricaded the road leading to the place. BJP workers tried to make their way forcefully but were prevented by police. The jostling continued for one hour. The police barricaded the road using bamboo sticks. Rachakonda Armed Reserve forces and local policemen have been deployed.