Hyderabad: In yet another case of fraud, a pilot employed at a commercial airline was duped of Rs 1 Lakh, as he fell for a KYC trap. The victim received a false SMS allegedly from HDFC bank.
The police said that the victim, 40-year-old pilot is a resident of Kokapet. On Jan 31 the victim received an SMS which read “Dear HDFC user, Your HDFC Net Banking Account will be blocked today. Please click on the link and update your PAN CARD Number immediately https://cutt.ly/AOkobb3.”
Soon after responding to the SMS, the victim lost RS 99,999. The pilot received quite a few requests seekin an OTP number. He filed in the bank account details along with the OTP only to realise that the money was deducted from his account and he had been duped.
The victim contacted the bank to block his net banking account.