Just 7758 Urdu medium students appeared in SSC exams

Conversion of Urdu medium schools to English medium has led to a decrease in the number of students passing SSC in Urdu medium

Hyderabad: The decreasing number of Urdu students taking part in SSC exams despite Urdu being the second official language in Telangana is causing concern for the future of Urdu in the state.

The conversion of Urdu medium schools to English medium has led to a decrease in the number of students passing SSC in Urdu medium. The latest data on the SSC exam results is alarming for the Urdu-speaking community as only 7,758 candidates appeared in the SSC 2023 exams, out of which 5,698 candidates passed, making the success percentage of SSC students studying in Urdu medium at 73.45%.

However, their total number has significantly dropped in comparison to English medium students in the state. Out of the 378,010 students who appeared in the SSC exams, 342,104 candidates passed, and 98,156 candidates belonging to Telugu medium appeared, out of which 71,237 students passed.

MS Education Academy

In light of these figures, it is now the responsibility of the Urdu-speaking community to take steps to attract the younger generation towards Urdu education or at least teach it as a second language. Measures should be taken to promote education in the Urdu language and raise awareness about it. The promotion and survival of Urdu as a language depend on education in Urdu language and awareness about the language. A decline in the number of people who know Urdu may lead to Urdu becoming a colloquial language, and it may become difficult for future generations to read and write in Urdu.

To ensure the preservation of Urdu as a language, the government should also take initiatives to promote education in Urdu medium schools and provide adequate resources for the same. It is crucial to encourage students to take up Urdu as a language of choice and ensure that it does not become a language of the past. It is time for the Urdu-speaking community to take action to safeguard the future of Urdu in Telangana.

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