At this point of time, it is hard for common people to accept the fact that not a single Muslim or Jew lost life in any conflict between them in any battlefield in the world in the first 1,300 years of shared history.
At the same time, one needs to understand that a sizeable chunk of Jews, especially Ultra-Orthodox, strongly opposed the very idea of Israel and call its creation a sinful and blasphemous act. They were of the view that the Jewish state which ultimately came up on May 14, 1948 was nothing but a product of Christianized western powers which used atheist, secular and Left-leaning Jews to achieve their goal.
After all, Christian Zionists believe that before the final battle between Good and Evil, known as Armageddon, Jews from across the world would assemble in Palestine. They would either convert to Christianity or perish.
Many Christians are of the view that Good stands for Christians and Evil for Muslims. British PM in the mid-19th century, Lord Palmerston, was among the earliest champions of this view. President Joe Biden in 2007 openly accepted that he is Zionist.
The Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 which called for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine was the turning point in history. The Allied army captured Palestine and other Arab territories during World War-I from the Ottomans several months before. Then only eight per cent of Jews used to live in Palestine.
Ever since then lakhs of lives on both sides—Muslims and Jews–have been lost with no sight of an early end of the crisis.
Though ideologically Jews and Muslims may be poles apart, not a drop of blood was shed between 628-29, when they were expelled from Madinah following a breach of agreement with Prophet Mohammad and 1920 when 12 people—six Arabs and six Jews–were killed in a clash in Palestine. No two communities in the world have lived so peacefully for 1290-odd years long period all over West Asia, North Africa and Europe—particularly in Spain between 711 and 1492 and later during the Ottoman rule.
Barbaric treatment by Christians
In contrast, crores of Jews had been killed in innumerable massacres since the birth of Christianity till Holocaust which ended in 1945. Many Christians still hold them responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Notwithstanding Adolf Hitler’s heinous crime, the German Chancellor alone cannot be blamed for the liquidation of 60 lakh Jews. This is because in many cases it was the local authorities and Christian population, instead of providing shelter, hunted down and eagerly handed over Jews to the occupying German forces. This had happened in Catholic-dominated Poland and France as well as in other countries.
The mention of France is essential as under the German occupation between 1940 and 1944 some 72,500 Jews were captured by French and sent to concentration camps where they were eliminated. Mind it, during the high time of World war-II Britain and the United States shut the doors for Jews fleeing Nazi held territories. These homeless Jews were shipped to Palestine under a plan. Needless to say, these three countries had initiated a plan to convert Palestine into Jewish state.
Contrary to this record of Christianized Western powers, Muslim Spain and Ottomans protected, patronized and promoted Jews. When rampaging Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, they massacred both Muslims and Jews.
Similarly, during the Spanish Inquisition of 1492 lakh of Muslims and Jews were killed, thrown out of the country and the remaining lot were forcibly converted to Christianity.
So, it is none else but the Christian Europe which, in a meticulously planned strategy, pitted Muslims and Jews against each other. They wanted Israel to play the role of a police outpost in the heart of Muslim world. So, whenever Israel faces any threat, the United States rushes its aircraft carriers to bail it out. Hundreds of billions of dollars are pumped every year from these Western powers for the survival and development of the Zionist state.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Understanding this background at this juncture is essential. This is more because many ultra-Orthodox Jews also called the followers of Haredi Judaism, in the late 19th and early 20th century stoutly opposed the creation of Israel. They were of the view that their Promised Homeland would be established after the advent of the Messiah and not by the Christianized imperialist powers. They still denounced the existence of Israel which is against the spirit of Torah, their Holy Book.
Believe it or not Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who form about 14% of Israel’s population, do not celebrate the birth anniversary of the formation of Jewish nation, and do not serve in the army.
Here it needs to be mentioned that many of them do not use the internet and mobile phones and do not read newspapers and watch television. The men-women segregation is stricter than Taliban’s Afghanistan. Girls and boys are taught separately in religious schools. In their localities male and female have separate bus stops and sitting arrangements. Ultra-Orthodox women, on an average, give birth to 6.7 children against 2.9 by the rest of Jewish women. Yet the global media has no time to cover these facts.
Theodor Herzl was the first prominent Jew who in 1896 came out with a pamphlet calling for a Zionist state. He was supported by a handful of Jewish businessmen and bankers settled in Europe. Initially, some Jews were just demanding a state for them anywhere in Asia or Africa as Palestine was then a part of the Ottoman Empire and Jews were well-placed there. It was snatched by the British and French armies in 1916.
The ultra-Orthodox Jews are of the view that Herzl was a secular Jew and had absolutely nothing to do with Judaism, and that he was playing into the hands of the secular Christian leaders, especially of the United Kingdom, United States and France.
They then alleged that the European colonizers were planning to use Jews against the Ottoman rule for their own end. These Jew elders feared that the new Homeland would prove a ‘mousetrap’.
They were two types of Christians in Europe: the first one who follows religion wanted complete annihilation of Jews. The second lot was of secular politicians, especially in England, who wanted to get rid of Jews and settle them anywhere in Asia or Africa. As Palestine was Holy for Christians too, they put the Jews in front to settle the score of Crusades.
It was while executing this plan that the western powers faced opposition from a section of Jews. But their repeated massacres in Russia, East Europe in 1890s and later by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945 provided England, France and America an excellent opportunity to work in this direction. They ultimately succeeded in selling the dream of Promised Homeland to a large section of Jews.
Advent of Muslims in Palestine
Here it needs to be mentioned that Palestine was not snatched by Muslims from Jews but from Christians during the early years of Islam. During the rule of Caliph Omar, Jerusalem became part of Islamic empire in 637 AD. In fact, he accepted the request of some Jews who approached him to settle in the Holy City. They were killed, expelled or made slaves by the Roman rulers six centuries earlier. Their places of worship were destroyed. The Christian rulers, who succeeded pagan Romans, also meted out similar treatment to Jews.