Hyderabad: In the recent placement exams for state residential schools, a remarkable 4,93,727 candidates took part, as announced by Convenor Mallya Bhatt of the Telangana Residential Education Institute Recruitment Board. The exams were held for different categories like Post Graduate Teachers (PGT), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT), Junior Lecturers (JL), District Language Pandits (DL), Physical Directors (PD), Librarians, Art and Craft, and Music Teachers.
The residential schools falling under SC, ST, BC, and Minority categories have a total of 9,210 vacancies to fill. Among these, the positions to be filled are 1,276 for PGT, 4,020 for TGT, 2,876 for JL, DL, PD, 434 for Librarians, 275 for PD, 226 for Art and Craft, and 124 for Music Teachers. A significant number of applications, 6,52,413 in total, were received from candidates aiming for these positions.
The recruitment examinations were conducted using the computer-based (CBT) system, across 104 centers set up in 17 districts of the state. The exams were held until August 23. Following the exams, the answer key will be made available on the official website, and candidates can raise objections regarding any discrepancies until August 26.
Convenor Mallya Bhat expressed her gratitude to the District Collectors, Police officials, and staff for their diligent efforts in ensuring the smooth conduct of the examinations.